Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Chartered Engineer Certificate For Export Of Defective Parts/Equipments For Repair & Return

M/s WXYZ had imported a Laser Beam Projector, from a supplier in Germany, in 2011 for use as part of lighting and special effects systems in dance shows. In the course of usage, this laser beam projector developed some defect and needed to be repaired. M/s WXYZ made enquiries and came to know that this equipment cannot be repaired in India and needed to be sent back to the OEM ( Original Equipment Manufacturer ) for repairs. They coordinated with the OEM and made arrangements for sending the equipment to Germany for repairs. However, the Courier rightly refused to pickup the equipment for delivery based on the available documentation and insisted on a certificate from a chartered engineer. M/s WXYZ approached me for a certificate and the certificate was issued after inspecting the equipment and based on scrutiny of the required documents. With this certificate, M/s WXYZ were able to send the equipment for repairs and re-import the repaired equipment.

If you have an imported equipment/ machinery/ instrument which needs to be sent abroad for repairs, you will need to follow the same procedure. Customs Authorities have put this procedure in place to ensure that items which are exported for repairs and then re-imported after repairs are not subject to levy of customs duties. In the absence of a chartered engineer certificate, at the time of re-import after repairs, the customs authorities may levy customs duties as applicable on import of a new equipment.

To get this certification, the damaged/defective item has to be inspected by the chartered engineer. A couple of documents also need to be verified by the chartered engineer. These include the purchase invoice and bill of entry for import of this equipment. Based on these, the chartered engineer will issue the required certificate in the prescribed format.

If you require this certificate in or around Bangalore, please contact me.